Carrot Stick Sports
Don't Mess With The MItten T-Shirt
Don't Mess With The MItten T-Shirt
X-Large Yellow letters
Carrot Stick Sports
32431 Ford Road
Garden City MI 48135
United States
Carrot Stick Sports is always looking to expand the Sarcastic Ass line of in store t-shirts, and this Michigan shirt is the perfect fit. With the Old English D, the capitalized MI, and the shape of Michigan it is perfect for anyone that calls, or has called Michigan home.
Like all of our Sarcastic Ass store band shirts, this can be customized to fit your favorite color scheme, and size when you reach out with what your needs are. Many shirt colors and sizes are in stock for men, women and even children. We also have a variety of color options available for lettering, so let us know and we will get something taken care of. Message us online, email us at carrotsticksports@gmail.com or call at (734) 747-3300.